Astral Realm Deep Dive

What to expect
Astral Realm Deep Dive sessions focus on returning to you what has been lost during trauma and empowering your soul. During this session, gifts and knowledge from your duplicate souls will be made accessible to you, lost soul parts will be returned to you, and ancestors who could be draining your energy will be moved back to their higher selves.
All work will be completed and documented prior to your scheduled Zoom session. The findings will be discussed during our Zoom session to allow for any questions to be answered. If you prefer a Zoom session without video, or if you prefer no Zoom session, then please specify that in your message when setting up the session. Zoom sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes. A report explaining your results and how it impacts you will be emailed to you after the Zoom session. If you would like your Zoom session recorded, please let us know at the start of your session.
Exchange: $199 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.
What is included:
Past Lifetimes Returned To Your Higher Self
Did you know your higher self/oversoul can duplicate itself so that it can experience and learn from multiple incarnations at the same time? In fact, you are likely living multiple lifetimes right now. Sometimes after death, souls get caught in the astral realm instead of returning back to our Creator. There are many potential reasons for this, but typically traumatic or otherwise unexpected deaths can result in confusion for the soul, where they become disoriented and remain in the astral realm. All of your past lives that are in the astral realm will be assisted back to Creator where their experiences can be integrated back into your higher self. This will allow you to have access to the learnings and gifts from these lifetimes.
Your Ancestors Returned to Creator
When your ancestors are detained in the astral realm instead of returning to Creator, it is possible they may want to spend time around you, observing your life. Unfortunately, because they do not have an energy source in the astral realm (neither from Creator nor from the Earth) their presence is likely to leach energy from you. Their emotional state may also adversely influence yours, depending on how energetically sensitive you are. It is important for souls to return to our Creator first to reestablish their energy source and their universal knowledge prior to visiting with loved ones on Earth. This will protect your energy and allow them to act in the capacity of a guide for you, if they so choose.
Your Soul Fragments Are Returned To You
Sometimes in lives (current or past) we give up our soul parts to others. It can be done inadvertently, or sometimes it is intentionally done as a misguided attempt to resolve a problem. These parts of the soul are lost during traumatic experiences. Retrieving lost soul parts is a powerful spiritual practice to heal a soul fractured by trauma. Our souls are not as robust and dynamic without all of the parts present. By returning all soul parts to their rightful owner, a soul can be made whole again.