Bringing in the Light
Our soul needs love to thrive. Love from a relationship is wonderful, but it is not necessary for your soul. What your soul needs is daily love from yourself, and as often as possible, divine love from our Creator and the universe. Divine love and self-love are the fuels your soul craves, and they are the pathways to a beautiful and satisfying life.
Affirmations are a valuable tool, they carry the power to redirect your soul, to call it back from a path that doesn’t serve you, to remind yourself of your true power. Use what you feel guided towards, those listed below are suggestions, phrases that we use but the options are endless.
Affirmations carry the most power when spoken out loud, repeating these phrases allows your soul to recognize the words as truth.
I am worthy
I am enough
I am magical
I am loved
I am safe

I welcome blessings into my life
I welcome love into my life
I welcome magic into my life
I welcome abundance into my life
I welcome miracles into my life
I welcome gratitude into my life
I welcome joy into my life
Self-Love is about fulfilling your needs so that you can be satisfied, filled, and complete in every way.
Why Self-Love Matters:
Many people seek fulfillment, love, and satisfaction from others, yet this is an unbalanced an unreasonable expectation that places strain on our relationships and can breed resentment. Self-love is a daily practice in self-awareness, ensuring that we are first aware of what we need, and then taking the steps to meet that need for ourselves, whether it is a physical or emotional need.
Self-love is also about talking to ourselves the way we would want others to speak to us. This means becoming aware of our thoughts in order to rebuke and replace any thought about ourselves that is unkind or critical. This is a daily practice that takes time to integrate. Self-love is accepting that you will make mistakes, and that there is no such thing as perfection.
Self-love is about finding joy every single day. The soul longs to be joyful always, and so self-love is fulfilling the needs of the soul by regularly acknowledging and focusing upon that which brings you joy. Joy can be found in many aspects of daily living, it only takes awareness to enjoy these moments. This could include things like mindfully enjoying what you eat and drink, enjoying the sound of birds chirping, enjoying the way wind feels on your skin, enjoying the act of breathing, enjoying the temperature of water when you wash your hands, or enjoying mindful walking.
Meditation / Quiet Time
A channeled message from Creator
“I am in the quiet. You must disconnect from what is going on in your 3D world to tap into my world. You must learn to sit in the quiet. You must learn to quiet your thoughts. It takes practice, you were not taught this when you were young. Quiet and calm are the doorways to my world. It waits for you, it always has and it always will. When you connect to this world, your view is lifted, so when you return to your viewpoint the happenings of the world seem a little less important, and your worries seem a bit smaller. In your brief visits with us, our energy of love and unity can sustain you. It can carry you forward where others will freeze up in fear. We are a source of life for you. During these difficult times, it is now that you need us the most. Quiet your mind so that we may connect once again. Even if you don’t hear us, we ARE connecting, and the connection grows stronger each time you spend time with us.”

Quiet time or meditation is needed to hear the voices of your spirit guides or your higher self. At first you may only hear the thoughts of your ego reminding you of things you need to do or telling you that you are meditating incorrectly. The voice of our egos is not helpful for accessing higher knowledge, so with time and practice you can learn to observe the thoughts from your ego, but brush them aside gently so that you can access a space without thoughts.
This is the space where messages can be received from the spirit world - as pictures, videos, ideas, words, and feelings. Some people may find they can access this space without meditation. Sometimes taking a walk, a shower, or just being in the quiet is enough to access this space without a formalized approach.
Little Book of Meditations
Our friend Debbra Lupien has some amazing books available. Her newest, Little Book of Meditations, is a beautiful resource for both those new to meditation, as well as those who are more familiar with the practice. This book gives you the opportunity to read and absorb each word, but also provides a link to access the audio.
"Each meditation was especially selected by Archangel Metatron to facilitate your spiritual expansion, enhancing your ability to connect with your Akashic team.
During the meditative journeys, you’ll find yourself bathed in delicious, healing energy. Other times, embarking on an exciting, out-of-this-world adventure.
One thing’s for certain, by the time you finish, you’ll have more confidence and clarity about your path of spiritual enlightenment towards soul nirvana."
Debbra has also written 2 other books that can help you on your journey:
The Path To Hearing Angels & Guides
"You were born with the ability to hear and have two-way dialogs with your angels, there are just a few gaps in your understanding of the process.
That’s it, a few small gaps… and you can start filling them in — beginning today!
Your angels are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to be heard and will more than meet you halfway.
With a little help from your friendly angel team, transformation at a very deep level awaits you on The Path to Hearing Angels & Guides."
Akasha Unleashed: The Missing Manual to You
"Cars have manuals, appliances have manuals. How fabulous would it be if you came with a manual too? Well, you do! Your manual is called the Akashic Records.
The Akashic Records are a powerful spiritual tool intended to help you on your journey through life. But you can’t utilize them if you don’t know how to access them, which is where Akashic Records Expert Debbra Lupien steps in. Her new book, Akasha Unleashed: The Missing Manual to You, is a quick-start guide to using the Records."

Debbra Lupien is a Spiritual Teacher, Author and Voice of the Akashic Records.
A channeled message from Creator
“Do not settle for a life that looks happy but is joyless. Joy is waiting for you now, you need no one’s permission. Explore, My Love. Go make choices, have an adventure that you don’t know how it ends. Life is your playground, look around at all the choices and go explore the ones that interest you. Discover and grow your joy as an act of love to yourself.”
A channeled message from Metatron
“Giving yourself moments of joy will refill your emotional tank and allow you more resilience as you navigate the difficulties of life. Immerse yourself in the things that make you laugh. Take a moment to dance, sing, or be silly. Listen to a song that fills you with joy. Joy does not cost a thing, and it is all around you, waiting to be scooped up and noticed and savored. Notice the little things that bring you a smile, notice the things that bring warmth to your heart or a squeal to your lips. Notice what it is that makes your heart tick, and give your heart more of that! Add more of those moments to your life.”
Joy looks different for everyone.
Trying new things can help you discover joys you didn’t know you had. Revisiting things that brought you joy in your childhood may also continue to bring you joy now. Some joys are quiet, and are as simple as recognizing the moment and absorbing the joy of the sensory experience:

How it feels to drink when you are thirsty
How it feels to put on a sweater when you are cold
Looking up at the stars or out on the ocean
Petting an animal
Enjoying the smell of a candle, lotion, or food