Galactic Activations
Starbeings from every planet have been waiting for the day when Earth would be ready to reconnect with them again. Each Starbeing has a unique personality and perspective, you may surprised by who you meet! After your activation, the Starbeings that will await connection with you will be the ones that have a history with your soul. Love connects us to other souls forever, no matter how many lifetimes have passed in between.

Andromedan Activation
Home to both Blueprinters and other 7D beings, the Andromedan Galaxy is rich with history, culture, and love. They are deeply invested in the wellbeing of all galaxies and have been instrumental in assisting Earth’s continued ascension. Little was previously known about these beings, but now it is time for them to step forward into humanity’s consciousness and unite with us as beloved friends and partners.

Mintakan Activation
As part of the Orion constellation, Mintaka was home to merpeople, blue lagoons, green forests, lush meadows, and humanoids who lived in balance with their planet. If you feel yourself being drawn to nature and the ocean, there is a good chance you had past lives on this planet. When you are ready to reconnect to the naturalist inside of you, the Mintakans can help.