Isis Healing

What to expect
The Goddess Isis is a strong and powerful energy, one who wants to help you to see and to accept your own power, one who would empower you to achieve all that you hope and to move you forward from a place of apathy. Apathy will hold you back, make you feel that you are stuck, it will pull you from the things that you are capable of. Apathy is brought about by doubt, by fear, by feelings that you are not enough, that you cannot do what is needed. These emotions are the impact of wounding held within your energy, a repeated pattern of thought, a habit of behavior, a path that has allowed your soul to feel safe, but also it is a cage, it is a barrier that would restrict you, it is a place that would hold you prisoner, blocking you from seeing the true glory of your soul.
In the 30 minutes prior to your session energies will be sent that will clear blocks and restrictions that would hold you back from the work to come, all work that is done will be for your greatest and highest good. This is a customized session, and the outcome may be influenced by your soul contracts, past life knowledge, and where you currently are on your spiritual journey. You will be provided with a channeled music to use in the following weeks, and beyond if you choose, that will allow Isis to work with you to assist you in the ways that she and your guides know are most needed. Often she targets your deepest wounds, the ones that have restricted your ability to move forward.
During your 30 minute Zoom session we will discuss what was done and the process of working with the music and how it may affect your energy. If you would like a Zoom session without being on video, or if you would prefer no Zoom session, please let us know when you request the service. If you choose to forego the Zoom session you can instead ask any questions that you have over email. You will receive a written report on the work that was done and key information related to working with the music.
Exchange: $199 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.
What is included:
Energy Clearing
Energy work will be done to clear any blocks to this work and allow for the highest possible outcome
Release of negative thought patterns
Clear low vibrational energies
Trauma removal and energetic healing
Clear energetic scarring
Connect the Goddesss Isis with your energy
Working with your higher self we open a connection that allows the Goddess Isis to place herself into your energy. This interaction allows her to activate and to strengthen and support what she and you guides know is needed.
A Zoom session is included as part of our service to allow us to go over what has been done and any information or guidance that was given, as well as to talk through how Isis may work within your energy and how it may impact you, it will also give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. If you prefer to not have a Zoom session then you have the option to email us any questions you have. You will still receive a written report.
Channeled music and intentions
You will be provided with a link to intentions and channeled music that will link your energy to the Goddess Isis for healing purposes. This music should be listened to 3 times a week for 7 weeks after the healing, to allow this work to complete. You may use this music again at any time you feel guided to call in her energies for healing.