ReAwaken Your Merkaba

A channeled message from Archangel Metatron
Your Merkaba is within you, an ancient tool, a part of your soul since the beginning of time. You feel it within you, you sense it, knowing that it is their, dormant, resting, unused for many lifetimes. This is the time for it to reawaken, you have felt the call, knowing that in this lifetime it is needed, knowing that it is time for this part of you to reawaken. Allow us to help you, to guide you onwards, to show you the way and give you the tools that are needed to do this work.
We will clear the way, allowing for all to be possible. We simply ask that you come to this work with clear intention, with belief that it is possible, knowing that this is within you. For if you come in this way, all truly as possible.
We wish you love. We wish you joy. We wish you all that you have hoped for yourself in this lifetime. We watch with excitement as you travel your path, as your light shines brightly upon the earth at this time. We thank you for all that you do, for all that you will do, for all that you have done, for it brings more change than you know. As you do this work, each time you do more work upon your soul, clearing, healing and moving yourself forward, your light becomes brighter, a beacon to those who would find you, to those who need to find you. Know that your work is important, that each act of love, each act of kindness, each message of hope, changes the world around you, bringing us closer to all that is possible
Channeled Meditation from Metatron
A channeled meditation from Metatron to walk you through the process of preparing and reawakening your Merkaba.
This is the first part of the process, please make time to listen to this meditation prior to your remote energetic clearing. It is advised to listen to this somewhere peaceful where you can relax, it can be emotional and all respond differently to his energy so please allow yourself time for this process.
You have permanent access to this page and can use this meditation as often as you feel guided to.
Remote Energetic Clearing
Your remote energetic session has been scheduled and will be conducted at that time with Metatron. Adjustments will be made to clear the way for you to fully reawaken your Merkaba. This process takes about 30 minutes, we advise sitting or laying somewhere peaceful where you will not be disturbed while we complete this process. Once the clearing is complete please drink some water and give yourself quiet time to absorb the experience.
*Please note that there is no Zoom or phone call included in this process.