ReAwaken Your Merkaba

What to expect
Your Merkaba is a powerful tool, a part of you that is already present, already within you. With this meditation and the remote activation we will assist you in reawakening your Merkaba.This meditation was channeled from Archangel Metatron and can be approximately 20 to 30 minutes long, depending on your needs and time available. The first 20 minutes includes both the channeled meditation and channeled music composed by Annex Arcana in the 528 Hz frequency. The last 10 minutes is only the music, should you wish to enhance the experience by spending more time in that frequency. This meditation can be used as often as you feel led to. There is no report or Zoom call with this service.
Exchange: $155 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.
What is included:
A Guided Meditation Video
This guided meditation video will bring you through a process to prepare yourself and then reawaken your merkaba. Clearing each chakra to allow for you to get the most powerful connection available to you at this time. You will have permanent access to this meditation video and can watch it again in the future if you ever feel a need for a "tune-up".
Remote Energetic Clearing
We will connect remotely to your energy to clear all blocks and restrictions from your chakras that may negatively affect this process. Clearing the way for you to successfully reawaken your Merkaba and opening up all that is possible to allow for you to be able to accept these energies in the way that serves you best.