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Messages From Your Guides

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What to expect

Are you eager to know what your guides want to share with you?This session includes personal messages for you from your guides to provide you guidance on where you are right now in your journey. These messages will be emailed to you, and will include the names of your guides who stepped forward. The messages that come through will be for your greatest and highest good and may not necessarily reflect direct answers to specific questions you are seeking. A combination of oracle cards, tarot cards, and channeling your guides will be used to obtain the messages. Pictures of your cards will be included with your report. Metatron chooses which card decks I use for each session, anywhere from 4 to 10 different decks and up to 42 cards can be pulled for a session. There is no Zoom call with this type of session. If you have questions about any of the messages you are welcome to email me for clarification.

Exchange: $199 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.

Join our Lightworker Tribe!

Our Lightworker Tribe on Patreon is a beautiful community of those who want to work together to grow their souls and find out more about how we can work together at this time. We meet on Zoom twice a month and share exclusive videos, channeled messages and activations.

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