Protection & Blessings

What to expect
Energetic protection is a crucial component of your spiritual journey. This service allows us to give you an energetic tattoo that provides the same protection as our Protective Amulet Programming service, but without the need to wear jewelry. This service is perfect for children, pets, and those who do not wear jewelry.
Your energetic tattoo will be placed in your energy body and will include protection against black magic of all kinds, galactic entities, and galactic implants. In addition to the protections, blessings for vitality, healing love, and purification are included.
There is no Zoom session with this service. We will schedule a time to apply the energetic tattoo and email you afterwards to verify that the process is complete.
Exchange: $99 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.
What is included:
Permanent Protection
Working with Gandalf the White Wizard, Commander Ashtar, Archangel Michael, and the Pegasus Collective, I will energetically tattoo your energy body for protection against galactic implants, galactic entities, and black magic.
Disclaimer: This will not block galactic entities from interacting with you if you have a soul contract that allows them access. This is not common, but it is possible. These protections will still reduce the severity of their interaction with you, especially when coupled with a daily protection ritual.
All humans have a risk of demonic interactions form time to time when our vibration lowers. This is not a defect of your protective amulet but rather the reality of living on a 3D planet.
Do you use a daily protection ritual? Please consider using ours as an added layer of protection for you and your household:
Blessings of Vitality, Love, & Purification
Working with Egyptian God Ra, Egyptian God Amun-Ra, and Japanese Goddess Amaterasu, blessings of vitality are a gift at the level of the soul and will remain with your energy body even after this incarnation has ended. This is a blessing of spiritual vitality (not physical vitality) and will nuture the divine traits of spiritual strength, spiritual endurance, and spiritual abundance.
Working with Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, and Master Yeshua, blessings of love are a gift at the level of the soul and will remain with your energy body even after this incarnation has ended. This blessing of love is an ongoing gift of healing love for yourself. This is meant to assist you on your spiritual journey.
Working with the Dragon Collective, Master Saint Germain, and Egyptian God Asar, blessings of purification are a gift at the level of the soul and will remain with your energy body even after this incarnation has ended. This blessing of purification is an ongoing gift to assist with energetic release and spiritual transformations.