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Protective Amulet Programming

Protective Amulet.png

What to expect

Allow me to program one or two pieces of your jewelry as a protective amulet (talisman). The jewelry can be a ring, necklace, bracelet, earrings, cufflinks, a watch, or even a crystal if you do not wear jewelry. The jewelry will work best if it contains gold (can be plated), rose-gold, copper, silver, real gemstones or natural crystals, though other pieces not under these guidelines can be used. 


There is no Zoom session with this service. I will request a photo of the jewelry or crystal be emailed to me to solidify your intention, and I will connect remotely to its energy. 

I will program your jewelry for protection against black magic, and galactic implants. In addition to this work, I will make contact with three of your spirit guides who will add their energies to your jewelry to benefit you in specific ways. I will provide a short message to you from each of them to explain how their energies are intended to support you. 


I will schedule a time to work on the item(s) for you and send you an email once the process is complete. 

Exchange: $99 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.

What is included:


I will program your jewelry for protection against galactic implants and black magic, including hexes.

Disclaimer: This will not block galactic entities from interacting with you if you have a soul contract that allows them access. This is not common but it is possible. These protections will still reduce the severity of their interaction with you, especially when coupled with a daily protection ritual. 

All humans have a risk of demonic interactions form time to time when our vibration lowers. This is not a defect of your protective amulet but rather the reality of living on a 3D planet. 

In addition to this work, I will make contact with three of your spirit guides who will add their energies to your jewelry to benefit you in specific ways. I will provide a short message to you from each of them to explain how their energies are intended to support you. 

Do you use a daily protection ritual? No amulet can replace the value of a daily practice:

Do you want a special piece of jewelry for this purpose?

If you don't already have a piece of jewelry that you want to use as a protective amulet, we highly recommend using a piece of jewelry from showtheLOVE, where every piece will work perfectly for protection (especially the pieces with gold!!) They can ship internationally.


showtheLOVE™ inspirational jewelry is hand-sculpted by Northern California designers, Jen Pleasants and Ariana Beil. They create pieces that are an external reflection of the beauty, magic and power that we each possess on the inside. The majority of showtheLOVE™'s profits go to environmental and humanitarian causes.

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Our Lightworker Tribe on Patreon is a beautiful community of those who want to work together to grow their souls and find out more about how we can work together at this time. We meet on Zoom twice a month and share exclusive videos, channeled messages and activations.


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All information and advice given on this website, in written communications, on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Medium, Patreon, or within private sessions recorded or otherwise are intended for guidance only. Energetic healing is a complementary treatment and does not take the place of a professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. All readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as an absolute. Ultimate free-will choice and decision belongs to you, the recipient.

© 2023 by Orange Light Energy LLC. Powered and secured by Wix

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