Releasing Energy
Some energies, though uncomfortable, are intended to stay with us for a time while we process the feelings and impacts of the experience. There comes a point where the energy is ready to be released, as it no longer serves a purpose. If these energies remain, they become detrimental over time and can adversely impact your mental and physical health.
Releasing Trauma
Emotional trauma can manifest into physical and psychological ailments if not cleared from the body. The methods provided here are perfect for releasing smaller and more current traumas. Think of it as maintenance for your emotional and spiritual body. For childhood trauma, past life trauma, trauma from violence, and other deep or ongoing traumas we recommend a professional healing session with us where Metatron can customize your healing to maximize your results.
Crystal Grid for Trauma Release
This crystal grid was created with Metatron to assist our physical, emotional, and energetic bodies with releasing trauma that has already been processed. It will also help to surface any trauma that needs to still be felt and processed. By viewing the grid briefly and acknowledging that you would like to accept its energies, you will benefit from this divine tool.

Loss and Grief
A channeled message from Archangel Metatron
"Grief will touch the lives of all who choose to incarnate, loss is a part of the human experience. Grief comes from great love, from the loss of someone or something that was loved greatly. It may not feel so at this time, but the loss is temporary, when your soul chooses to depart this lifetime you will be reunited, they wait for you, keeping watch as you live your life, helping you and cheering you on. Speak to them, they hear you and your words, and your remembrance bring them great joy. Look for their messages and signs around you, big or small they are acknowledgments of their love for you, of their wish to bring you peace.
Grief is emotional, grief is physical, a visceral pain that sears and breaks lives, a challenge that can feel overwhelming… but it is not. Acknowledge the feelings, let them wash over you like waves, and then subside. You are supported, you are surrounded by love and by those willing to help you to rebuild and to help you to birth the new version of you. The new version of you is the one who wears this experience each day, but is also able to live, to see that there is still beauty in the world, and that you can still feel joy.
Grief is a part of your journey but it does not need to define your journey. For some it will create purpose, for others it will bring compassion, each response will be different yet each perfect in its own way. Know at these times that you are held, that we are beside you sharing our light with you. Recognize in your grief the love that you feel. What a magical achievement, to have such love in your life, that this was possible. Allow yourself to remember that love, to embrace and hold onto that love, to feel it like a bubble around you in difficult times, for they are with you, cheering you on. The bubble is real, feel their energy and love around you for it is always there.
Allow yourself to recognize this is real, that you will be reunited again, that a joyful reunion awaits. But until that day do not allow the experience of grief to dim your light, let it instead drive you forward, to inspire and encourage you. Draw strength and peace from the experience and the love you carry, for such love is a gift."
Crystal Grid for Grief and Loss
This crystal grid was designed with Metatron to support those going through grief or another loss. The energy from this crystal grid will assist you with releasing your emotions as they are processed. By viewing this crystal grid briefly and acknowledging that you would like to accept its energies, you can benefit from this divine tool. During the grieving process, it is recommended that you view the grid daily for 60 seconds.

Releasing Guilt
When guilt is a broken record in your mind, it is a form of self-judgement and self-punishment. It ís important to be consciously aware of this tendency, because the emotional frequency of guilt is extremely low. Just like anything that brings your vibration low, guilt can adversely impact your ability to connect with your guides, and it increases your likelihood of demonic attachments (because in that low-vibrational state you are now a matching frequency for them). You can consciously break this cycle right now with these simple tools from Metatron.
Releasing Anxiety
Anxiety and fear leave a person feeling like they are in a constant battle for survival with an invisible enemy. It is an exhausting process that does not need to be a life-sentence. There are many tools that can help you gain control of your thoughts and body again- these are a few from Metatron. For intense or daily struggles with anxiety, please consider reaching out to us for a healing session where we can address the energetic components contributing to your experience.
Crystal Grid for Releasing Anxiety
This crystal grid was designed with Metatron to assist with feelings of anxiety. It will help you to ground your energy, it will help you to balance your root chakra that governs the fear response, and it will help to soothe your emotional body. By viewing this crystal grid briefly and acknowledging that you would like to receive its energies, you can benefit from this divine tool.

Releasing Shame
Shame is a dangerous emotion for a soul, because it holds the lowest possible frequency of all emotions. A low frequency can keep you from feeling joy, love, and experiencing your psychic gifts. Shame is an extreme form of judgement against ourselves that results in us feeling damaged as a human being. Metatron and God are ready to set the record straight.
A channeled message from Creator
"Your worth has not changed. You can never be worth less, nothing can change that. No action you take can separate you from me. No choice you make can separate you from me. No circumstances that you have survived can separate you from me. Our bond transcends experiences and incarnations and time and space and thought. My love is endless for you."
Crystal Grid for Releasing Shame
Archangel Metatron put this crystal grid together with great care to gently surface and release any shame that is ready to be let go of. By focusing on the crystal grid briefly and accepting its energy, it will assist you with releasing shame and the trauma asociated with it, whether from this lifetime or a past lifetime.

Releasing Repressed Anger
As children, our caretakers sometimes do not allow the full expression of our feelings. Sometimes when we are very young, we aren't able to identify at that time that something has made us angry, even though it has. That anger stays in the energetic and physical body until it is expressed, even decades and decades later. By allowing yourself to express your anger, you allow yourself to heal.
A channeled message from Metatron
"Anger is a healthy part of being a soul. It is natural for you to feel anger, and it is natural to express anger. The danger is when you are afraid to express it, or when you express it in a damaging way to yourself or others. Mindfulness must be brought into your experience with anger to ensure it is not causing harm, to yourself or to others."
Crystal Grid for Releasing Anger
Archangel Metatron and I put this crystal grid together to assist with releasing repressed anger. By focusing on the crystal grid briefly and accepting its energy, it will assist you with bringing to the surface repressed anger for processing, and it will assist you with releasing any anger that has already been processed.