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Solar Plexus Reconnect

Solar Plexus.png

What to expect

It is valuable to each of us to heal and to clear the energetic wounds we hold, but have you ever thought how your life could change if you could see beyond the lifetimes of struggle? If you could reconnect instead with lifetimes of strength, with lifetimes that could inspire you, with lifetimes that could be a catalyst for you in these times to move beyond what has blocked you?

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is about personal power, about recognizing you worth, accepting your power, the willingness to take action. Where this is damaged it is hard to raise yourself out of old habits, hard to make choices, hard to be brave, emotions that can leave you feeling stuck, feeling that you cannot see the path forward. In this session I work with the energies of Egyptian God Ra to clear trauma and stuck energies from this chakra, we then work to reconnect you to 3 lifetimes of strength, "plugging you back in" to the energies of those lifetimes, bringing you the energies Ra and your Higher Self know are most needed to allow you to break free and move forward n line with your path.


In the 30 minutes prior to your session, the energies of this work will be sent to you, all work that is done will be for your greatest and highest good. This is a customized session, and the outcome may be influenced by your soul contracts, past life knowledge, and where you currently are on your spiritual journey. The lifetimes shown and information given will be shared in a report that will be emailed to you after our session. 


During your 30 minute Zoom session we will discuss what was done and answer any questions that you have. If you would prefer no Zoom session, please let us know when you request the service. If you choose to forego the Zoom session you can instead ask any questions that you have over email. 

Exchange: $199 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.

What is included:

Deep Clean of you Solar Plexus Chakra

Within the solar plexus chakra we will:

  • Remove any energetic attachments or galactic implants that do not serve your highest good and well-being.

  • Cut energetic cords connecting you to any time, place or soul that does not serve your highest good and well-being.

  • Work with a golden dragon to clear blocks and restrictions within this chakra.

  • Clear all trauma that is able to be released at this time and do energetic healing around all that has been cleared.

Reconnection to the Energies of Past Lifetimes

Working with the energies of Egyptian God Ra we will work within the solar plexus chakra to reconnect it with the energies of past lifetimes that can assist and support you in these times, plugging you back into the energies that are most needed in your life now.


A Zoom session is included as part of our service to give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. If you prefer to not have a Zoom session then you have the option to email us any questions you have. You will still receive a written report.

Join our Lightworker Tribe!

Our Lightworker Tribe on Patreon is a beautiful community of those who want to work together to grow their souls and find out more about how we can work together at this time. We meet on Zoom twice a month and share exclusive videos, channeled messages and activations.


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All information and advice given on this website, in written communications, on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Medium, Patreon, or within private sessions recorded or otherwise are intended for guidance only. Energetic healing is a complementary treatment and does not take the place of a professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. All readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as an absolute. Ultimate free-will choice and decision belongs to you, the recipient.

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