Space Clearing

What to expect
This service can be performed on any home, apartment, business, school, hospital, or even a parcel of land! This is a great service to use when moving in to a new space or when your current space has unusual activity or feels off. If you've worked with other space clearers but had problems immediately return, then this is also the right service for you!
In addition to traditional energy clearing, I can also close demonic portals and galactic portals. I can resolve historical energetic issues with the land beneath the space that can contribute to energetic problems above the land. I can clear haunted or possessed objects. I can permanently remove hostile departed souls from the space. I always do an energy clearing for all living beings in the space (humans and pets!) with every Space Clearing.
Prior to your scheduled session, all clearing and energy work will be performed remotely. During your scheduled session, we can discuss the findings over a Zoom session. If you prefer a Zoom session without video, or no session, please let us know when you schedule. The Zoom session is scheduled for 45 minutes. After the session I will email you a report that explains the work that was completed.
Exchange: $199 USD | Payments should be made after the appointment has been scheduled.
What is included:
Removing Entities & Portals
This includes removal of departed souls, demons, demonic portals, and galactic portals.
The building will be assessed for any energetic cords that need to be severed, as well as an objects within the building that may carry the energy of a curse. All low-vibrational energy will be cleared, and energy protection spheres will be placed around the building. Divine energy will be brought into the space.
Healing The Land
Both the actual building, and the land the building sits upon will be evaluated for energies needing to be removed. Trauma and low-vibrational energy will be cleared from the land beneath the building and the land will be healed and restored energetically.
Clearing People & Pets
The residents (including pets) of the home, school, office, hospital, etc will have low-vibrational energies removed from them including demonic activity. All energetic cords will be severed. Energetic protection will be placed around all residents.